the passenger seat

fade into the background

I haven’t blogged in an age. This has mainly been because nothing really great has happened since I last wrote. Probably the only things worth mentioning was Thursday’s Year 11 vs. 12 Basketball game and Friday’s Final Prefect Assembly.

The 11 vs. 12 game went okay, I thought. There was some speculation as to whether it would be on or not, but luckily the rain held out enough for it to be just playable at lunch time, albeit after quite a bit of sweeping. So the game was on and a good amount of people came down to watch, which was good. The year 11s all rocked up in their NBA jerseys, while most of our players were in full school uniform. To play the game was a bit tricky, since the ball quickly got wet and slipped out of our hands many a time, and the wet ground made it difficult to move around quickly without fear of slipping. I think we all played well considering the conditions, and the year 11s weren’t bad either, but despite our lack of preparation in terms of clothing, we still emerged, quite convincingly, as the victors (pardon the pun). All in all it was a pretty fun game, and it was good since most of us haven’t played a proper full-court game for a long time (although I have Hills).

So Friday was the last day of school and the Prefects’ Final Assembly. To be perfectly honest, it wasn’t that great, but there were some good parts. I liked the “Thriller” and “Smooth Criminal” dances, and Grubsy’s “I Want You Back” was great as always. I know he doesn’t read this, but apologies to Grubsy for not playing bass for that song. Chris was much better at it than me, anyway. Otherwise, the quizzes and games were kind of awkward in my opinion, but it was okay.

My parents and brother are still away in their respective overseas countries. For the past week it’s just been me and Tasha; she’s sleeping on my bed right now. I spoke to my parents today and they told me they’d visited the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors, both of which were apparently amazing. I’m so jealous, and I can’t wait to see the photos. Speaking of photos, I asked my dad about the camera I’ve been wanting, and he said “when we get back”. Good sign. Anyway, my parents told me that my brother sent them a text saying that he had successfully made it to the top of Mt. Kinabalu (the tallest mountain in Malaysia), which was the main part of his tour to Sabah, Malaysia. The summit of the mountain is 4,095m above sea level, and they did in in two days. I’ve heard of many past students failing to reach the top and having to return to the rest house halfway up the mountain due to the tough atmospheric conditions (low oxygen, low pressure), so it’s pretty awesome that he made it all the way up.

Anyway, that’s about all I have to say about life, since nothing happens anymore. I realise that I say that a lot nowadays, that “nothing happens”. I guess it’s true, to an extent, that year 12 does lose the fun of year 11 and our junior years. Everyone is so concentrated on studying that there really isn’t time for anything else. Yes, I know I’m basically repeating what everyone is thinking and has been saying, but it’s so true, and I’ve really come to realise that now. Last holidays I went out quite a bit, so I didn’t really feel it, but I have a feeling most of these holidays will be spent at home, with books for company. Great.

But, digressing, in the past few days I’ve just been procrastinating and making the most of my nights before I have to start studying for trials. And so I’ve found a number of interesting things during my travels. I haven’t posted stuff like this in a long time, and I won’t be saying much about any of them.

Remember those light trails that I posted a few blogs ago? Well these, from an album entitled Fun with Long Exposure, totally blow ours out of the water. More photos and larger images at Icon_ology.







Does anyone remember that crazy stop motion video with the wolf and the pig? To refresh your memory or if you haven’t seen it, go here. Well, Olympus has made a similar video to promote their “PEN” Camera. Go to the Olympus website, or watch “The PEN Story” below.

I thought this ad was pretty clever; it speaks for itself.


You know those videos/movies of marriage proposals where the guy proposes at a sporting event or over the PA somewhere or at a fancy restaurant with a little band playing? Well how about this one, in the middle of Disneyland’s Main Street. I thought it was great.

And lastly, is this video, entitled “Kittens Inspired by Kittens”. I don’t know why, but it made me smile and laugh.

Anyway, that’s all folks. Don’t study too hard these holidays; have at least a bit of fun.